Infectious Diseases

The following resources are available under the Bacterial diseases category. Remember to check out the 'favourite links' section in the bottom-right of the page. Click here to go back to the contents page.

PowerPoint Presentations(.ppt)
    01. MTB Dx. GeneXpert & New Tests by Dr. Sarma
    02. Super Bug by Dr. Sarma
    03. Antibiotic Resistance by Dr. Sarma
    04. Leptospirosis by Dr. Sarma
    05. Diphtheria by Dr. Sarma

AcrobatReader Documents(.pdf)
     01. NDM-1 Super Bug handout
     02. Leptospirosis handout
     03. Typhoid fact-sheet
     04. Rapid test for Typhoid
     05. Widal agglutination test review

Word Documents(.doc)
     01. Anthrax
     02. Diphtheria
     03. Leptospirosis for Doctors
     04. Leptospirosis for Paramedics
     05. Leptospirosis for the general public

bacterial diseases

Inspite of the availability of potent anti-bacterials and vaccines, bacterial diseases are still a scourge to mankind. Diptheria can be a serious threat. Typoid diagnosis and widal tests are ever a problem. Leptospirosis is a common cause of PUO. Anthrax surfaces now and then.

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